Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday 6th Nov - IRRI

The week has been dry so far, but bad weather is heading our way. In the fields 4 of the Temminck's Stints were feeding together on Tuesday afternoon, in company with at least 4 Kentish Plovers as well. There was no sign of either species on Wednesday. A Peregrine has once again taken up station on the pylons in the experimental farm. From what I've read it seems that Peregrines start to moult into adult plumage in March of their second calendar year. That means that the series of juvenile Peregrines we have had on the farms over the last 5 winters cannot have been the same bird returning annually to favoured winter quarters. Interesting that every year it is exactly the same two pylons that are used as a roost site. I wonder what the attraction is...

4 Temminck's Stints feeding together on Tuesday afternoon. No sign of the fifth bird
Adult Peregrine, ssp. calidus on the regular winter perch.
Slaty-breasted Rail
Barred Rail

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking of everyone there today. I hope the birds fair well and there isn't too much destruction.
