On Tuesday flocks of several hundred wagtails were present on the upland farms. It seemed that over 90% of the flock were Grey Wagtails, with the rest being juvenile Yellow Wagtails.
Thursday saw a Grey Heron actually land in the fields, though it took off as soon as it saw me!
On Friday morning, while waiting for the bus to school at IRRI staff housing a gorgeous male Violet Cuckoo appeared in a nearby tree, giving stonking views for about 10 minutes, until it was chased off by a Colasisi. My first in the Philippines!
On Saturday afternoon I flushed a Green Sandpiper from a field on the upland farms. It went high and flew off towards the south-east, we'll see if I can find it again tomorrow...
One of hundreds of Grey Wagtails that arrived this week. They were mainly on the freshly ploughed fields that are being prepared for maize.
The Grey Heron that has been seen several times flying past has finally landed!
Nice one on the cuckoo!