Monday, October 28, 2013

29th October - IRRI

Several holidays in close proximity have given me a week off work. As my better half is also away this is clearly a great excuse to go birding. On the morning dog-walk I spotted a Peregrine and a Common Kestrel sharing the same pylon. A later trip into the fields produced several Snipe spp, as well as a smattering of other obliging birds. Coupled with the large number of Oriental Reed Warblers from yesterday it looks like there's some ongoing migration happening.

Classic view of a classic bird, Common Kestrel.
While watching the Peregrine I noticed this Common Kestrel sitting just opposite. Not a common migrant at IRRI.
Adult calidus Peregrine. Has the juvenile from the past few years grown up or is this a different bird?

Common Sandpiper
Cinnamon Bittern, really living up to its name.
Snipe spp. Lots around at the moment...

Greater Musky Fruit BatPtenochirus jagori, roosting under the eaves of one of the main buildings at IRRI.

(Thanks to Rai Gomez through the Philippine Biodiversity net page on Facebook for the ID)

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