Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week ending 9th October - IRRI

The Philippines was still dealing with the after-effects of two typhoons in a week, so it was a blustery and wet week. I did manage a couple of hours on the farms however, and the passage of Black-winged Stilts continues, with several small groups scattered about the paddies. Long-toed Stints are also moving through, with two small groups of 10+ birds present on Tuesday. Slaty-breasted Rail are now visible on practically every visit too.

The main excitement of the week was the fruiting of a large tree adjacent to the main gate at IRRI staff housing at the weekend. Lots of Lowland and Yellowish White-eyes, Yellow-vented Bulbuls, and flocks of Flower-peckers were augmented by large groups of newly arrived Chestnut-cheeked Starlings. A small flock of Philippine Green Pigeons were also present on Sunday.

Lowland White-eye.

Grey-streaked Flycatcher 

Juvenile Chestnut-cheeked Starling 

Chestnut-cheeked Starling 

Philippine Green Pigeons Treron axillaris, recently split from Pompadour Green Pigeon Treron pompadora. According to Collar (2011) this differs from the races of T. pompadora in Vietnam, T. p. phayeri and India, T. p. affinis "on account of their red cere" (see second photo) "white (not creamy-brown) undertail coverts" (photo 3) "bluish grey (not pinkish red) legs and feet" and "lack the orange breast patch" (all pictures). In addition differs from  phayeri in "maroon (not chestnut) back" and from affinis in "much less distinctive yellow throat". To me the eye seems distinctly pale blue, compared to the darker blue of T. pompadora.

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