The rains have really kicked in now, with Typhoon Baboy coming through on the 14th, and lots more rain since. The paddies are filling up, and the new rice is growing well, hence plenty of greenery, and not much open water or mud. Despite this the first
Wood Sands came through this week. Other irregular visitors were
Lowland White-eye in the trees near the Open University building,
White-bellied Munia on the Upland Farm, and 4
Java Sparrows behind the main buildings. An oddity was a leucistic bird, in company with 2
Striated Swallows and presumed to be a juvenile of that species. All the usual Rallids much in evidence (
Barred Rail, Buff-banded Rail, White-browed Crake, White-breasted Waterhen, Common Moorhen) plus a possible
Ruddy-breasted Crake on the Upland Farm on 27th (brief flight views only).

Yellow Bittern
Yellow Bittern
White-bellied Munia
White-bellied Munia
Paddyfield Pipit
Long-tailed Shrike
Striated Swallow
Leucistic, juvenile Striated Swallow?